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Welcome to

Breathe & Flow

Your sanctuary for transformative healing through Breathwork and Intuitive Movement. As a Certified Somatic Healing Coach who has traversed a profound healing journey, I am dedicated to providing a safe space crafted exclusively for women.

Our Approach

Immerse yourself in a practice that goes beyond traditional healing.

Through Guided Breathwork and Intuitive Movement, we unlock the power of connecting to your divine feminine self. It's a journey that delves into the heart and body, fostering a deep connection to your inner strength while rekindling love for your wounded inner child.



Effie Abraham

Welcome! I'm Effie, a devoted advocate for transformative healing and a passionate guide in cultivating deep connections with the body and the Sacred Feminine Energy.

My journey, shaped by overcoming significant life challenges and navigating through major hurdles, has been a testament to resilience and growth. As a single mom of three incredible teenagers and the former owner of Efinka catering, I've transitioned from feeding a crowd to nourishing souls.

Facing my trauma and delving into my emotions allowed me to uncover the roots of certain patterns, acknowledge unhealed wounds, and paved the way for profound self-discovery and transformative growth. This introspective process led me to greater authenticity, resilience, and a profound connection with my true self.

Through somatic healing and practices like breathwork, intuitive movement / dance and meditation, I found solace and healing.

These modalities enabled me to reconnect with my inner child, nurture self-love, and embrace forgiveness—a journey that fuels my passion to guide others.

Join me in exploring breathwork, intuitive movement, and other somatic experiences as we foster a profound connection with your body and embrace the nurturing embrace of Sacred Feminine Energy. Let's embark together on a journey toward self-discovery, healing, and empowerment—nourishing not just the body but also the soul.


What I Am Offering

Group Sessions

Join a community of like-minded women on a shared journey of healing.

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One-on-One Sessions

Tailored experiences for personalized growth and healing.

Online Sessions

Experience the healing from the comfort of your sacred space.

Guided Meditation

Special Offerings:

Forgiveness Ceremony

A powerful ritual to liberate yourself from the weight of past grievances.

Cord Cutting

Release trauma stored in your body, allowing you to step into a lighter, more liberated version of yourself.

Your healing journey begins here

A sanctuary where the sacred feminine is celebrated, and your inner strength is reclaimed. Embrace the transformative power of Breathwork, intuitive movement, and the dance of healing. Together, let's create a space where you not only heal but thrive.


See The Benefits

Breathwork provides a gateway to heightened self-awareness, enabling individuals to explore and release stored tension, trauma, and emotional distress.

Intuitive movement, guided by the body's wisdom, becomes a powerful tool for self-expression, allowing emotions that may be challenging to articulate verbally to find release.

Engaging in Breathwork and Somatic Experience, complemented by intuitive movement and mind-body connection, offers profound benefits for holistic well-being.

The integration of these practices fosters a deeper mind-body connection, promoting emotional resilience, stress reduction, and an overall sense of balance.

Through this transformative journey, individuals often discover increased vitality, improved emotional regulation, and a profound sense of inner peace.

What happens to the brain during breathwork?

Deep breathing and relaxation activate the other part of your nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system, which sends a signal to your brain to tell the anxious part that you're safe and don't need to use the fight, flight, or freeze response. Deep breathing gets more oxygen to the thinking brain.

Breathwork is meant to move energy and emotion through the body

Every living person has one thing in common: we breathe to survive. The power of your own breath can be used to alleviate stress and anxiety, fall asleep faster, energize yourself, improve endurance, and more.


Book your session today and step into a realm of profound self-discovery and healing.

For more information contact me

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